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Erkrankungen des äußeren Gehörgangs

Erkrankungen des äußeren Gehörgangs umfassen Infektionen, Hauterkrankungen und Verstopfungen. Eine der häufigsten Probleme ist die Gehörgangsentzündung (Otitis externa), die Schmerzen, Juckreiz und Hörverlust verursachen kann. Die Behandlung erfolgt medikamentös und chirurgisch, um die Infektion zu beseitigen und die Gesundheit des Ohres zu erhalten.

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Kostenlose Vorab-Beratung

Vereinbaren Sie jetzt ein kostenloses Vorgespräch mit Prof. Dr. Mustafa Deniz Yılmaz. Machen Sie den ersten Schritt in Ihrem Behandlungsprozess und lassen Sie uns Ihre Reise zur Wiedererlangung Ihrer Gesundheit mit personalisierten Lösungen beginnen.

Erkrankungen des äußeren Gehörgangs umfassen Beschwerden im Bereich des äußeren Gehörgangs und des Trommelfells. Diese Krankheiten können aus verschiedenen Gründen auftreten und unterschiedliche Symptome zeigen. Hier sind die Hauptarten von Erkrankungen des äußeren Gehörgangs und ihre detaillierten Beschreibungen:

1. Infektionen des äußeren Gehörgangs (Otitis Externa)

  • Ursachen: Meist durch bakterielle oder Pilzinfektionen verursacht. Häufige Aufenthalte in feuchter Umgebung (Schwimmen), Reinigungsgewohnheiten des Ohres oder Reizungen der Haut können dazu beitragen.
  • Symptome: Schmerzen im Ohr, Juckreiz, Rötung, Ausfluss und manchmal Hörverlust.
  • Behandlung: Antibiotische oder antimykotische Tropfen, Schmerzmittel und Reinigung des Gehörgangs.

2. Verstopfung des äußeren Gehörgangs

  • Ursachen: Ansammlung von Ohrenschmalz (Cerumen), Fremdkörper oder Tumoren.
    Symptome: Hörverlust, Gefühl von Fülle im Ohr, manchmal Schmerzen.
    Behandlung: Professionelle Ohrenreinigung, bei Bedarf chirurgische Eingriffe.

 3. Dermatitis des äußeren Gehörgangs

  • Ursachen: Allergische Reaktionen, Reizstoffe (Seife, Shampoo etc.) oder Hauterkrankungen (Ekzeme).
  • Symptome: Juckreiz, Rötung, Schuppenbildung oder Bläschenbildung im Ohr.
  • Behandlung: Kortikosteroid-Cremes, Vermeidung von Allergenen.

4. Fisteln im äußeren Gehörgang

  • Ursachen: Angeborene Anomalien oder Infektionen können Fisteln verursachen.
  • Symptome: Schmerzen, Ausfluss, Entzündung im Ohr.
  • Behandlung: Möglicherweise chirurgischer Eingriff erforderlich.

 5. Polypen im äußeren Gehörgang

  • Ursachen: Können durch chronische Infektionen oder Reizungen entstehen.
  • Symptome: Ohrenausfluss, Hörverlust, manchmal Schmerzen.
  • Behandlung: Möglicherweise chirurgische Entfernung erforderlich.

6. Fremdkörper

  • Ursachen: Besonders bei Kindern, durch das Einführen verschiedener Gegenstände in den Gehörgang.
  • Symptome: Ohrenschmerzen, Unbehagen, Hörverlust.
  • Behandlung: Professionelle Entfernung des Fremdkörpers.

7. Ansammlung von Ohrenschmalz (Cerumen)

  • Ursachen: Übermäßige Produktion von Ohrenschmalz oder unzureichende Reinigung des äußeren Gehörgangs.
  • Symptome: Gefühl von Fülle im Ohr, Hörverlust, manchmal Schmerzen.
  • Behandlung: Ohrenreinigung, bei Bedarf Tropfen.


Erkrankungen des äußeren Gehörgangs sind in der Regel behandelbare Zustände, jedoch ist es wichtig, bei Symptomen einen Arzt aufzusuchen. Eine frühzeitige Behandlung kann dazu beitragen, mögliche Komplikationen zu vermeiden.

şükrü erkara
10 Dezember 2024

I found Dr. Mustafa as a result of my research and went to him with the complaint of lack of ventilation of the Eustachian tube and decreased hearing. I had had surgery on the ear many times before, so he looked at my nose and said that there was a curvature in the nasal bone and a serious devaluation. If we correct it, it would benefit the ear and it would help me breathe in the future. So we did the surgery. We decided to be together, now I'm getting some fresh air and my hearing has improved a little, he said I'll be better, may God bless him, his communication and friendliness was very good, I'm glad to have you. my teacher

6 Dezember 2024

Hello, I have had a Vertigo disorder that has not gone away for three years. I reached out to our esteemed teacher Mustafa Deniz upon his advice. Thanks to the medications he gave as a result of the maneuvers and examinations he made, I have not had any dizziness for 4 months. Thank you very much to our esteemed teacher and his teammates, I am glad to have you, best regards.

cigdem topcuoglu
12 November 2024

If you are reading this article right now, you are in search of information like us. For this reason, I will tell our story in a little detail so that maybe it will be of some help to you. My daughter is 3 years old, we take her to our pediatrician regularly and when necessary. Our adventure started with nasal congestion. I am talking about a congestion that does not go away even though we constantly open it. Afterwards, mouth opening and snoring. When we asked our pediatrician about this situation, he referred us to Mustafa Hodja. After the examination of the adenoid size, He said it was 90%. We heard the sentence we didn't want: 'There should be surgery.' You'll be right, as a mother, I didn't want to have a young child undergo surgery right away. I even shared the situation with my pediatrician. He said, 'If Mustafa Hodja says, get it done, he won't say it easily. Make an appointment right away. We created the surgery and two days later, my baby had surgery. The only difficult thing about this surgery was waiting outside while your child was inside. Apart from that, everything was very planned and professional. The evening we came home, my baby was not snoring. He slept and we were incredibly surprised by this situation. We did not experience any negative situation. I would like to express our endless gratitude to Mustafa Hodja once again. Ms. Ayşegül, who did the programming, guided us very well. I am glad our paths crossed. Sleep without snoring, may the children be happy❤️

Sümeyye ÖZKAN
12 November 2024

I went to the doctor with a complaint of symptom perforation. He said that he could easily close it after the examination. I had my surgery in April 2024. He also performed deviation and nose tip aesthetics. My priority was, of course, to repair the perforation. Thank God, the hole closed and I also had a beautiful nose. My recovery process is still ongoing, it was a long and difficult surgery, but I can breathe healthy. During this process, Ms. Ayşegül was always just a phone call away. I also thank him very much for his interest.

Selda çetin
12 November 2024

I applied to my doctor with the complaint of septal perforation. I had surgery. It has been 5 months since my surgery and I am seriously relieved. Thank you very much to my doctor and his team...

mesut Engindeniz
12 November 2024

Septal perforation Due to a nose surgery I had years ago, there were 2 huge holes and no cartilage was left in the nose. I could breathe very hard because all the cartilage in my nose had worn away. I did a lot of research and consulted many doctors. They said it was a very risky surgery, they said we couldn't do it. I tried a lot, I researched a lot, and lastly, Mustafa Deniz. I met my doctor Yilmaz, I found his clinic and went to be examined, he said that it was a risky surgery but he could do it. Actually, I had some fears, but after the examination, he made me overcome that fear. I had septal performance and plastic surgery. It took about 11 hours. It took 4 months. I got excellent results. The holes in my nose were closed, with the cartilage taken from the rib. My nose has become more beautiful again than before. I can breathe very easily. I would like to thank my teacher Mustafa very much. He is a very good teacher, I think he is the best in this field.

murat çakır
12 November 2024

I repaired the hole in my nose painlessly and regained my health very quickly, thanks to our teacher. Thank you again.

Ali Erbütlü
9 November 2024

We left Van and came to Antalya for my teacher Mustafa Deniz Yılmaz. He was very friendly and helped us a lot, he took one-on-one attention. My surgery was very difficult. I was diagnosed with septal perforation (hole in the nose). Many doctors we went to said that it was difficult and there were only a few people who did it, and Mustafa He directed me to my marine instructor. He took very good care of me and performed my surgery successfully. Thank you very much to him and his team. I'm glad to have you.

İsmail Akdut
9 November 2024

Dear Sir, First of all, I would like to thank you. At first we used it for 5-6 hours, then I used it for 1.2 hours, no problem, thank you.

Seda Ozdem
9 November 2024

I took my mother, who was treated for vertigo in various hospitals for almost two months but could not get any results. As a result of detailed examination and tests performed by audiologists, Mustafa determined that she had balance nerve inflammation. The treatment, which was expected to last 4 weeks, was completed in almost 2 weeks, accompanied by expert audiologists. His condition is very good, he returned to his normal life, thank you to everyone who contributed 🙏🏻

Sedat Polat
18 Oktober 2024

First of all, I would like to express my endless gratitude to my marine instructor and all his staff. After a long wandering, I found my marine instructor upon his recommendation. He solved my dizziness problem that disrupted the entire routine of my life. May God bless you. REGARDS.

pınar hakimoğlu
16 Oktober 2024

My daughter had adenoid surgery at the age of 6. Thank God, she is very well now. We chose my doctor because we trusted his knowledge and experience and we were not wrong. I recommend him as a doctor.

Art der Anästhesie: Allgemein

Betriebszeit: 2-3 Stunden

Schmerzen: Mild

Dauer des Aufenthalts im Krankenhaus: 1 Nacht

Erholungszeit 7 Tage

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Kostenlose Vorab-Beratung

Vereinbaren Sie jetzt ein kostenloses Vorgespräch mit Prof. Dr. Mustafa Deniz Yılmaz. Machen Sie den ersten Schritt in Ihrem Behandlungsprozess und lassen Sie uns Ihre Reise zur Wiedererlangung Ihrer Gesundheit mit personalisierten Lösungen beginnen.